Wednesday, March 15, 2023
I worked at woodlake market and the Plymouth pig 🐽🐷 in the deli not too long ago. But I got in a drunken argument with my mother, rode my bike to fon DU LAC, and then all the way to the Wisconsin dells where I camped in the woods across the street from Paul BUNYANS. I camped in between 2 streams. Ended up sleeping to close to the 🔥 fire and either a can of WD-40 or axe body spray exploded I woke up with my bicycle 🚲 on 🚒🔥 fire, the tires exploded and melted rubber was on 🔥 fire on my left hand. Luckily I just rolled down into the river to put that out. I walked around the DELLS a couple days after that but my feet and hand was killing me. I hitchhiked to reedsville. Some guy gave me a ride to the hospital and told me to read the book 📚 of John in the bible. Then I wandered around town. Finally gave up and went to this gas station where an Amish menenite looking guy was working. Asked to use the phone. Called my parents for help ride home. I had lost my phone. I still had like $300 Left. I got some 🍨🍦 rubarb ice cream and waited for my parents to scoop me up.
gross junkfood stomach pain
A CHANCE to get in your 👖
I'm not afraid Somebody said You're gonna teach me how to swim, again To swim, again [Pre-Chorus] Don't tell me that Its not wha...